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On markets.com, we take your data privacy very seriously. We make every effort to safeguard your data and believe in operating with transparency.
If you wish to amend or update your preferences you can do so through the Notifications Center in your account. Alternatively, you can contact us at support@markets.com or privacy@markets.com.
When you trade on markets.com, we collect your data for transaction and identity verification purposes. For example, we use cookies to improve your trading experience - with your permission.
Other details about data privacy can be found in our Privacy Policy.
Read on for more information.
Our website uses cookies, or small text files stored on your computer when you visit certain web pages.
Cookies that are used on our markets.com website allow us to recognise you on subsequent visits. They also help us to optimise your user experience on our site.
Read our Cookie Disclosure Policy to find out more about the cookies we use or update your cookie settings.
Our Privacy Policy explains the way we process our clients’ data. This includes your personal information and photos.
The data is stored in our client management systems and retained in accordance with our retention policy.
We retain your data for:
– Five years from the date of termination of your customer account
– Any retention period required by law
– Any need to store records beyond the above periods to handle potential audits, tax matters, or for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims
You can amend your trading notification preferences. Trading notifications refer to push notifications, SMS messages, emails, and pop-ups that you receive from us.
If you have a request or need further clarification, you can email customer support at customersupport@markets.com or privacy@markets.com.
When you delete your trading account, you can no longer log into your markets.com trading account. This action cannot be undone.
Before submitting your request, please ensure that any open positions have been closed to avoid processing delays.
We will retain your data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Under these circumstances, your account will be terminated under the applicable Terms and Conditions, but your data will not be fully deleted as we have a statutory obligation to retain our clients’ data for at least five years. Refer to our Privacy Policy for details.
We will not charge you extra fees for keeping your trading account open if you do not intend to use it at present. So you don’t have to close it and you can activate it whenever you want.
But if you do not place a trade; open or close positions; and/or deposit into your account for an extended period, your account will become inactive.
An inactivity fee of 10 USD will be charged monthly if your account has been inactive for more than three months (90 days) as per UK regulations. For FFS, the inactivity period is 365 days.
If you still wish to close your markets.com account, you can email your account closure request to account.deletion@markets.com.
Log in to your account now to update your data privacy preferences.
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All client funds are held in segregated bank accounts, to ensure maximum funds protection. For more information, please check our Regulation & Legal pack located at the footer of our page.
The protection and safeguarding of our clients personal and financial information is of utmost importance to us, therefore we take the highest of measurements when it comes to the security of our system. You may refer to our Privacy Policy statement for more information regarding your data held with us.
Markets.com is a global company with 4.7M+ registered accounts. Unfortunately, there are certain websites and fraudsters who wish to take advantage of our brand name and seek to impersonate us.
Please refer to our Safety Online / Stay Protected Online Page for more information.
Markets.com is operated by Finalto (South Africa) Pty Limited which is a regulated by the FSCA under license no. 46860 and licensed to operate as an Over The Counter Derivatives Provider (ODP) in terms of the Financial Markets Act no.19 of 2012.
Markets.com is a global brand and trade mark used by Finalto (South Africa) Pty Limited and owned by Finalto (IOM) Limited.
Finalto (South Africa) Pty Limited has the sole and exclusive use of the domain Markets.com worldwide.
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