The Trading Calculator is a simple tool designed to calculate your hypothetical P/L (aggregated cost and charges) if you had opened a trade today.
Using our calculator, you can easily evaluate any position you already hold or are about to open by calculating its spread, margin requirement, overnight swap and more.
Сalculate your hypothetical P/L (aggregated cost and charges) if you had opened a trade today.
Account Type
Amount must be equal or higher than
Amount should be less than
Amount should be a multiple of the minimum lots increment
Conversion Fee
Required Margin
Overnight Swaps
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
All positions on instruments denominated in a currency that is different from your account currency, will be subject to a conversion fee at the position exit as well.
We do not charge any commisions.
A spread is the difference between the Bid price (selling price) and the Ask price (buying price). Our spreads are variable or can be subject to a minimum.
Conversion fee
A conversion fee will apply only when your current account currency is different than the quoted currency of the underlying asset being traded. The fee will be reflected as a percentage of the conversation rate used.
As an example, if your account currency is US dollars, and you open a CFD position on a euro quoted asset (ie Germany40), your used margin is converted from EUR to USD. The conversion will include a fixed percentage on the conversion rate applicable at the time as a mark-up.
Overnight swap
An overnight swap is when we charge or credit you with overnight fees for facilitating you to maintain an open Buy or Sell position on CFDs.
Margin requirement
A margin requirement indicates the amount you need to possess at the time of opening a position. This amount also includes the cost that will occur due to the spread in addition to the Used Margin.
Used Margin: margin being used by your current open position.
Pip Value can be variable or fixed, depending on two factors:
1. The currency pair traded, (for example: EUR/USD).
2. The base currency, (for example: EUR of the EUR/USD currency pair is the measuring currency).
To calculate pip value, divide one pip (usually 0.0001) by the current market value of the forex pair. Then, multiply that figure by your lot size, which is the number of base units that you are trading. This means that the value of a pip will be different between currency pairs, due to the variations in exchange rates.
To open one of the above orders, select your direction (Buy or Sell) and from the New Order window, follow up by clicking on the ‘Advanced’ option.
If you have selected Buy, you will be allowed to place a Buy Limit or Buy Stop Order. If you have selected Sell, you will be allowed to place a Sell Limit or Sell Stop Order.
Stop Loss and Take Profit are protection orders which allow you to protect yourself against further losses or lock-in your profits when you are not able to monitor your positions.
Stop Loss limits an investors loss on a specific level. On our platform stop-loss can be set based on rate, USD value, % of Margin.
Take Profit fills only when the predefined instrument price is reached. On our platform take-profit can be set based on rate, USD value, % of Margin.