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Your account is inactive, to reactivate your account, or you believe this is in error, contact us.
Your social media account does not have an email address associated with it, please add one and try again, if you believe this is in error, contact us.
You have tried to create too many accounts in a short time period, please try again later. If you have received this message in error, please contact our support team at
Registration Notification
We understand that your request to open an account under Finalto BVI Ltd, which is regulated by the FSC (license number SIBA/L/14/1067), is based on an informed decision, made by you and without the influence of a third party.
As a European resident, you are eligible to have an account with Safecap Investments Limited regulated by CYSEC (license number 092/08). Among others, Safecap offers various protections including the Investor Compensation Fund (which is applicable to all clients under Safecap Investments Limited). Full list of protections offered by Safecap Investments Ltd to European clients can be found at this link.
If you agree with the above, please respond to this email to acknowledge your consent to proceed with the account opening procedure.